Celebration of Swans
at Swan Haven/ Marsh Lake
The return of the swans is an epic event when Yukoners celebrate the welcoming of spring.
Each April hundreds of Trumpeter Swans will stopover on Marsh Lake on their long migration to the northern nesting grounds.
This exciting, educational festival provides tremendous amounts of wildlife information, hands-on experience and deep cultural history.
Book a day trip out to this amazing place and be part of this yearly event:
Choose one of the feature dates below and enjoy a special program
Or ask for any other day and just take in this adventure at you own pace.

Events are organized by the Yukon Government through its Environment Yukon’s Wildlife Program, and groups such as the Marsh Lake Community Association, the Society of Yukon Bird Observatories as well as members of the Carcross/Tagish First Nation.

April 9th
Picnic and Stories Around the Campfire
/Tagish River Bridge
- Picnic and Stories Around the Campfire – Tagish River Bridge
- 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm
- Come to this great swan viewing area with your own picnic lunch and sit around the camp re enjoying a cup of tea and homemade bannock. Carcross/Tagish First Nation Elder Ida Calmegane will share some traditional stories of spring in Yukon. Be sure to bring a mug for tea, a lawn chair, and a blanket so you can sit back and relax!
- Cost: $ 50.00 + 5% GST return/per person
- Departure: Whitehorse 11:00am @ Gold Rush Inn
April 10th
Jim Hawkings Q&A
/Swan Haven
- Jim Hawkings Q&A at Swan Haven
- 2:00 – 3:00 pm
- Jim Hawkings spent decades working as a biologist, studying and conserving migratory birds and their habitat in Yukon. He is open and willing to share all his amazing knowledge. Ask him all about it in this informal Q&A.
- Walk around and see the hundreds of swans on the lake.
- Your best photo opportunities in a life-time
- Cost: $ 50.00 + 5% GST return/per person
- Departure: Whitehorse 1:00pm @ Gold Rush Inn
April 16th
Family Day at Swan Haven
/Swan Haven
- Family Day at Swan Haven
- 12:00 noon – 2:00 pm
- The whole family is welcome to attend an afternoon of swan‐ watching and fun activities.
- Get your face painted, vote for your favorite artwork, play games, read a book, or do a swan-craft.
- Immerse yourself in the cacophony of swan sounds.
- Best photo opportunities in your life!.
- Cost: $ 50.00 + 5% GST return/per person
- Departure: Whitehorse 11:00 am @ Gold Rush Inn
April 23rd
Spiritual Celebration of Swans
/Swan Haven
- Spiritual Celebration of Swans Swan Haven
- 10:30 – 11:30 am
- All are welcome at this special time to give thanks for the return of spring. Join in song and prayer during this multi‐faith service while enjoying time for quiet with the swans.
- Stroll around and see hundreds of majestic swans on their way North.
- Best photo opportunities in a life-time!
- Cost: $ 50.00 + 5% GST return/per person
- Departure: Whitehorse 9:30am @ Gold Rush Inn
Call 335-0461 for more information.
Book your seat HERE or ask for a quote.
Choose your Tour today!
Or contact us for any other date.
Email: info@wildernessyukon.com
Phone: (867) 633-3993
Cell: (867) 335-0461 or